Amongst Women

AMONGST WOMEN by John McGahern Nomination: Booker Finalist 1990 Date Read: July 30, 2022 Trigger warning: Michael Moran is a complete asshole. For those with asshole fathers of their own, this book is a little like coming home. Moran fought in the war and brought his regimented, brutal attitude home with him. He had five children: Mona, Sheila, Maggie, Michael and Luke, whose mother passed away. Moran was lucky to meet and marry Rose, who became a stepmother to the children and a peace-maker between Moran and his kids. She was also his apologist, constantly saying that he didn’t really mean it, things aren’t that bad, he really loves you. Honestly, no good asshole can stay that way without a Rose in their life. Moran lives with no regrets but his one constant concern is for his son, Luke. Luke left years ago and hasn’t really been heard from since. He made himself successful in London but has never returned home for a visit or written his parents...