The 10pm Question


by Kate De Goldi


Nomination: Dublin Longlist 2010


Date Read: June 14, 2022


Frankie is a twelve year old boy who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. With a mother too terrified to leave the house, a father busy supporting his family and two other siblings, Louie and Gordana, too involved in their own lives, Frankie believes that it is his job to look after his mother and make sure she has the groceries necessary to run her cake shop from the house.


The well-worn grooves of his and his best friend’s, Gigs, lives are about to be altered with the arrival of Sydney, an exotic creature by local standards. Sydney is world wise, dreadlocked and nose pierced, living in place after place because of a nomadic mother who is easily bored by routine. She lands in New Zealand with much bravado and she manages to quickly worm her way into Frankie and Gigs’ lives.


De Goldi is brilliant at capturing the uncertainty of childhood and the attempt to understand themselves and the world around them. The 10pm Question refers to the nightly chats Frankie has with his mother where she answers Frankie’s questions, soothes his fears and with great patience, hears about his goings on. 


Some of my highlights: Fat Controller, Frankie, Chilun, daily code word, bus ticket art, Aurora Awakens, Partially Bling Man, Sydney, Ray Davies, the Aunties, Cakes, the Zig Zag, Lists, Responsibility, Integrity.


This is the best coming-of-age novel I’ve read in quite a while.


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