Baby Love


by Louisa Young


Nomination: Women's Prize Longlist 1998


Date Read: February 16, 2021


At first I found it difficult that Angeline is a consultant and “expert” on belly dancing. Someone of Egyptian origin would be a better expert wouldn’t you think? But as I kept reading, the way she described the movement and how it relates to the music, the control a dancer has to have over their bodies, I honestly found myself visualizing everything she was saying.


I found Baby Love entertaining and that’s about it. The plot was fast-paced and fun towards the end when everything explodes. Angeline and her sister Jane were in a motorcycle accident when Jane was 8 months pregnant. After an emergency C-section, the baby Lily survives but Jane does not. Angeline becomes Lily’s mother.


Add in a DUI, a custody battle, a blackmail that finds Angeline under cover and you have a pretty fun romp. I am surprised this was even in the running for the Orange but I had a good time so I can’t complain.


One of the observations made by Angeline made me fist pump into silent air: “…you didn’t understand that some female things men find sexy are not only thereto be sexy for men.” Exactly. I was raised to believe that women dressed up or did their make-up exclusively for men to appreciate. I love make up and I do it for myself. To have this underscored in a novel made me incredibly happy. So, thanks for that Ms. Young!


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