The Way West

by A.B. Guthrie

Award: Pulitzer 1950

Date Read: April 1, 2012 & February 29, 2020

The Way West is an engaging take on the rush to settle Oregon. I am still baffled why people chose to abandon the comforts of home and pack their entire life to embark on a journey with an uncertain end. The offer of free land and the promise of natural bounty aside, the siren song of Oregon compelled these characters to do just that. 

Guthrie artfully describes the beautiful landscape, the hardships they encountered along the way, the lives lost and the mile after tedious mile of a relentless journey that can be accomplished in a single day now by plane. I just cannot imagine the exhaustion, boredom and daily packing and unpacking of a wagon that serves as an entire home.

Each of the characters that embarked on this journey came with their own difficulties and personalities, yet they formed a family of sorts, supporting one another along the way and taking care of their own. With this loyalty and dedication to their goal, the company succeeded in making it to their destination, although several families left along the way, one turning back pretty far into the journey and a group of others changing their minds and heading to California.

I truly love this book and would look forward to reading it again some day.

Looking Forward: These Thousand Hills


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