The Waters Of Kronos

by Conrad Richter

Award: National Book 1961

Date Read: May 6, 2019

John Donner, now in his golden years and in failing health, is hungry for a past that he can't get back to, literally and figuratively. His old hometown is now covered by water to form a nearby dam. He makes his way from New Mexico to the area of his boyhood to visit the graves of his loved ones who have been moved to higher ground.

By some mystery of the universe, John is able to go back for a brief time to re-experience the memories he holds so dear. While he is able to live in this past, he is greeted as a suspicious stranger by all those he loves. The entire town is like a living museum purely for his benefit. With all the warmth these memories bring, also comes the tragedies and the injustices of the past. John is helpless to change any outcomes.

The Waters Of Kronos has been largely picked apart by critics who have wondered how closely the experiences in this novel mirror those of Richter's actual life. If there are parallels to be drawn here, I can only say that he remembers his youth with warmth and a sense of comfort that so many of us cannot relate to. I am glad I was able to share this walk down memory lane with him.

Looking Forward: The Sea Of Grass, The Town


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