The Lowland

by Jhumpa Lahiri

Nominations: Booker Finalist 2013, Carnegie Longlist 2014, Dublin Longlist 2015, National Book Finalist 2013, Women's Prize Finalist 2014

Date Read: January 27, 2014

The Lowland follows two brothers, Subhash and Udayan, born in India and who live very different lives - Udayan stays in India and becomes a political activist and Subhash studies in the U.S.  Subhash briefly returns to India because he learns his brother has been killed.

Udayan ultimately gives his life for a political movement that wreaked havoc on those around him. His absence ultimately paves the way for Subhash to step into the responsibilities that had been left vacant by his brother, including marrying his widow and raising Udayan's unborn child. Gauri, Udayan's widow, is ultimately allowed to achieve her previously untapped potential and live a dramatically different life than what had originally been laid out before her.

While many of these relationships are set aside and connections resumed, I believe Lahiri has tapped into the human spirit and its refusal to confirm to the expectations of society. Life will always find a way to present new challenges and opportunities, whether sought or not. It's up to each of us to choose that path for ourselves.

Looking Forward: Interpreter Of Maladies


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