The Bright Forever

THE BRIGHT FOREVER by Lee Martin Nominations: Dublin Longlist 2007, Pulitzer Finalist 2006 Date Read: October 15, 2024 From Kirkus Reviews: “Few things cause as much distress as the abduction of a little girl; second-novelist Martin ( Quakertown, 2001) milks that situation for all it’s worth in a multiply narrated story. Katie Mackey is nine and lives with older brother Gilley and her parents in the small town of Tower Hill, Ind. The Mackeys own a glassworks, the town’s largest business, and Katie is a child of love and privilege, aglow with innocence. On the other side of the tracks is Henry Dees, a lonely bachelor and math teacher, who is Katie’s private tutor this summer of 1972. His neighbor is the equally lonely widow, Clare Mains, who has taken up with the self-styled Raymond R., a new arrival and, like Dees, victim of a grim childhood. Ray is not well liked for his know-it-all ways and synthetic folksiness, but Clare, all heart and no brains, is ...