Women Talking

WOMEN TALKING by Miriam Toews Nominations: BookTube Finalist 2020, Dublin Longlist 2020 Date Read: January 30, 2023 Although short, this is a powerful piece about faith, safety, and the power of women when they realize their own worth. Further, Women Talking is a testament to the importance of knowledge and the education of women. The women of a secluded Mennonite sect in Bolivia have been drugged and sexually assaulted, often many times over, by the men in their sect. What makes this worse is this novel is based on true events. Toews has given the women a voice here, debating whether they should stay and forgive their abusers – their fellow fathers, brothers and sons – and move forward as if nothing ever happened or to leave and start over on their own somewhere else. What these women experienced is nothing short of horrific and add to that that many victims were children, one as young as three years old and the reader is left with disbelief that men could b...