Ladder Of Years

LADDER OF YEARS by Anne Tyler Nomination: Women’s Prize Finalist 1996 Date Read: December 29, 2022 You know how make-up tutorials that look like a hot mess say “trust the process.” And then they end up stunning. I would have to say the same about Ladder Of Years. While the story was engrossing and the characters rich and vivid, I couldn’t understand Delia’s motives for walking away. It was never quite clear. Yet, I know that there is nothing more invisible than a middle aged woman. Delia is married to Sam, a doctor, and has three children – Susan, Ramsay and Carroll. Her kids are all in their late teens and early twenties and on the precipice of starting their own lives. As Delia begins to realize she is no longer needed – by her kids or her husband – a chance encounter at a grocery store begins an affair with a neighbor. Although never consummated, Delia relished being desired, seen and sought after. Who doesn’t? Realizing this grocery store man is no...