The Bad Girl

THE BAD GIRL by Mario Vargas Llosa Award: Nobel Winner 2009 Nomination: Dublin Longlist 2009 Date Read: November 30, 2022 What happens when you love someone that is a shape-shifter, a liar, a compulsive cheat? This is the focus of Llosa’s The Bad Girl. Ricardo meets the Bad Girl as a child in Miraflores, Peru and is immediately besotted. He repeatedly asks her to be his girlfriend and she rebuffs him every time. After she is publicly humiliated for being found out in a life (telling everyone she was Chilean when she was Peruvian like everyone else), she drops out of site and he doesn’t see her again. Ricardo’s singular focus in life is to escape Peru and to live in France. He accomplishes this by becoming fluent in English and French and, over time and with great effort, in Russian. He has casual encounters with women but is never quite taken with anyone. And one day, out of the blue, when he hasn’t been in Paris that long, he meets the bad girl as Com...