Song Of The Shank

SONG OF THE SHANK by Jeffery Renard Allen Nominations: Carnegie Longlist 2015, Dublin Longlist 2016, PEN/Faulkner Finalist 2015 Date Read: September 29, 2022 Song Of The Shank is a complex and detailed novel about Blind Tom and his rise and fall from fame during the Civil War and just after. Tom is a black piano prodigy who can play a song after hearing it only once. Tom is also mentally challenged; his exact affliction is never mentioned but he sounds as if he’s autistic. There are a series of interlopers that observe Tom’s talent and immediately see dollar signs. His rise to fame is entirely based on others’ ability to exploit him. The first of these is Percy Oliver, who takes many years to save up his money and come up with his plan. He finally achieves a meeting with Tom’s owner, General Bethune, who agrees to releasing Tom to Oliver’s custody in exchange for continuous kick-backs. The challenge is finding a piano teacher that can hone Tom’s skill....