The Butcher Boy

THE BUTCHER BOY by Andrew McCabe Nomination: Booker Finalist 1992 Date Read: March 31, 2022 The Butcher Boy follows Francis Brady’s descent into madness. And it’s not hard to see why. With a family situation that is just one step above horrific, Francis has no parental guidance, sense of home or safety. Mary, his mother, is teetering on the edge of sanity herself and ends up taking her own life. His father, Benny, hasn’t seen a sober day in Francis’ entire life. And his father treats his mother like utter shite. A recipe for disaster. But it leaves readers to wonder if even his home situation were more stable, would his family history of mental illness present as drastically. Joe is the only friend Francis really has. When the Nugent family moves into town, Francis immediately becomes wary of Philipp, who Francis feels is trying to steal Joe’s friendship. One day Francis breaks into the Nugent house, writes on the walls and poops on their floor, all in a psyc...