Giovanni's Room

GIOVANNI’S ROOM by James Baldwin Nomination: National Book Finalist 1957 Date Read: May 29, 2021 Giovanni’s Room is a devastating tale of blooming, obsessive, embarrassing, self-loathing, curdling love. Perhaps it is the lure of the forbidden or Giovanni himself, but both seem to dabble in self-loathing and embarrassment over their sexuality – the flavor of which is irrelevant (bisexual, gay, who cares?). Understandably, being gay even in 1950s Paris is not looked upon favorably so how these men present themselves to the outside world does matter. Baldwin manages to bring such delicate humanity to these two men wrestling with their identities which isn’t a harrowing coming out story or a syrupy queen fest like Priscilla Queen of the Desert (which I do love, by the way). The desire to love and be loved seems so simple in theory but in reality, so many factors come into play and Baldwin addresses each of these with the exquisite humanity this topic deserv...