The Driver's Seat

THE DRIVER'S SEAT by Muriel Spark Nomination: Booker 1970 Date Read: May 29, 2020 The Driver's Seat is a novella about a completely neurotic woman who is finally taking a vacation. She obscures her identity throughout so we never really know what aspect of her is her true self. With hints along the way that she will be murdered, we eventually learn that every decision she has made, every detour taken, every conversation, purchase and interaction is deliberate so there will be a story surrounding her death. What baffles me is that out of all the people she encounters she chooses just the exact person she needs to murder her. How did she know? Did she stalk this man and know that he had a violent history? How was he so easily pliable to follow her unless he too wanted to participate. For how short this novel is, I will be thinking about this for months to come. Looking Forward: Loitering With Intent, The Public Image